31 July 2012

Berlin - part I

I had the plan of going to Portugal for my birthday, unfortunately, bad things happen to good people...
(you know why it would be very hard for me to go back for this occasion...)

But "when life gives you lemons..."
We go to Berlin!

And to stay coherent and stick to another proverb: "A picture is worth a thousand words" 
I'll leave you some pictures i brought back as a gift from this amazing and vibrant Mad Max Freaky city!!

Berlin Part I has some pics around Kreuzberg but it's mostly from Teufelsberg
Click on one of the pics and enjoy the slideshow =)

15 July 2012

3 Days - 4 Countries

Departure: Bonn, Germany
Destination: Luxembourg 
Stops: Maastricht, The Netherlands and Liège, Belgium

@ Liège, Belgium
 Impressive how in only 3 days we can easily reach 4 countries and explore border cities.
Doing this you soon understand why some countries are safe away from the European crisis.
Portugal is kind of stuck between Spain and the Atlantic Ocean.
Besides having huge potential with beautiful locations, food and people full of talent, it's clear that being at the far west side of Europe has it's problems.
Exportation of goods, exchange with other countries and cultures and good land transportation for all this to be more efficient has made Portuguese and it's culture pay the price.
Of course you are able to fly from the Portuguese capital to some places at cheap rates... but the ease of being in the centre of Europe and taking the van to just wonder between countries is not a reality for people in Lisbon.
I remember my road trips to anywhere else but Spain or France... you have always to cross this 2 giant countries!

Being in Bonn has this huge advantage, just take the van and change countries!

Germany has borders with 9 countries.
Starting in the north and moving clockwise we have: Denmark; Poland; Czech Republic; Austria; Switzerland; France; Luxembourg; Belgium; The Netherlands.
Bonn is part of the North Rhine-Westphalia, therefore very close to the last 4 countries. 
@ Liège, Belgium
In about 1 hour you are in Maastricht in The Netherlands, from there only 30 minutes more and you are in Liège, Belgium and continuing to Luxembourg city is less than 2 hours.

 @ Maastricht, The Netherlands
@ Liège, Belgium
@ Liège, Belgium

6 July 2012

Rheinauen Afternoon

While some work, others relax at the park...
Sun is not something frequent here in Bonn, at least not as much as back in Lisbon. So we must take the opportunity to stroll along the Rhine River banks and sunbathe on Rheinauen beautiful park.

I glance at the sky and can almost see my love at the UN window... At least one of us is working hard!
Surreal afternoon for this Portuguese girl, on a German park... studying french!

1 July 2012

Koblenz Medieval Dream Town

As i say.. i have the knees of a 80 year old lady.. but my love for slackline is big!
After some crazy trickline, i somehow managed to turn one of the knees into a huge ball... So this weekend the sightseeing was more inside the van then out...

But as soon as we passed by Koblenz, even with me limping we had to take a stroll to see more of the old part of town. It's a mixture between vibrant alternative culture and medieval surroundings, simply amazing!

On my last visit to Lisbon i met two sweet German girls on the plane.
I slept all the way, but as soon as we landed i saw them with a travel guide and had to give advices where to go in Lisbon. Of course i said: You must go to Alfama!!

Kirsten and Nadine were so kind to invite me to Tasca do Chico in Alfama and we were listening to Fado, talking about Germany and Portugal and eating some bacalhau. Both are from Koblenz, so i was easily curious to meet their town! And what a charming place it is!

Not only beautiful but with the best Gelato Italiano i ever tasted! eGeloSia
I definitely have to return with both knees recovered! :)